Member offers

A powerful tool for you and your customers

Collecting the data for each customer's reason for saving is a powerful way to generate more revenue. For example, if your customer has told you they are saving to buy a car, you can work with auto partners to provide great deals on vehicles, insurance, service and many other related offers.

Not only will your customers feel supported, engaged and save money using your partners' discounts, but you will generate revenue from the deals you facilitate.

Here are some examples of offers you and your customers might enjoy in the dashboard. Members will see their most relevant offer first, but are able to browse all the offers too.

  • Home Renovations

    If your reason for saving is related to purchasing something for your home or home renovations, then your offer might be Get 10% off all furniture at <LOCAL STORE>

  • Automotive

    If your reason for saving is related to buying a car, van or scooter, then your offer might be Talk to our recommended insurance provider and get $50 cashback 

  • Clearing Debt

    If your reason for saving is related to clearing debt from loans or credit cards, then your offer might be Book a FREE consultation with our finance team to get out of debt faster

  • Education or Development

    If your reason for saving is related to self development, education or school fees, then your offer might be VIsit <STORE> to buy school uniform and receive 20% your purchase