Everything you need to start a profitable savings community

Successfully grow your Digital Savings Circles business

Circles 360

For individuals and SMEs who want an easier way to run Circles in their communities

$125 / mo

Feature Highlights

✔ Add up to 1,000 participants

✔ Customisable onboarding experience

✔ Branded for you

✔ Circle performance reporting

✔ Manual payment tracking

Circles Pro

For fintechs and digital businesses
who want to quickly scale Circles
for profit and growth

from $2,200 / mo

All the features of 360 PLUS

✔ Add up to 1,000 agents and up to 25,000 participants

✔ Automated payment processing

✔ Integrated with your existing CRM database

✔ Conversion reporting and support

Circles Enterprise

For finance enterprises who want unlimited flexibility and customisation with Circles

from $4,000
/ mo

All the features of Pro PLUS

✔ Add unlimited agents and unlimited participants

✔ Integrated payment processing

✔ Full go-to-market support

✔ Onsite workshops and advisory

✔ Custom risk and bespoke reports

Circles packages - checklist highlights

For the full checklist, click on the button below to download a PDF.