Discover the opportunity for Saving Circles in your home market

Understand the commercial opportunity of digital savings circles in your market and see the business case for launching this product

Get your bespoke ROSCA market study for your region

Fill in the form below and we’ll send you more information about bespoke research into digital savings circles in your home market. Your market study will be curated by the Circles team - a group of world-leading experts in online ROSCAs.


Discover the opportunity for launching a ROSCA business in your region  

Our bespoke research and business analysis includes the following for your home market:

Total Addressable Market

  • Suggested “Use Cases”

  • Profiles of Target Customers

Proposition Analysis & ROI

  • Economics for Standalone Circles

  • ROSCAs vs Alternate Financing

Regulatory Requirements

Competitive Landscape

Go-to-market Punchlist

Total Addressable Market

Use Cases

See what people in your region are saving for and provide them with a product specifically designed to reach that goal

Regional Trends

Discover the fastest growing finance trends in your area and how savings circles may be able to help you stay ahead of the competition

Customer Profiling

Find out exactly who would want to join savings circles in your region - size of this sector, ages, reason for saving and how to reach them

Proposition Analysis and ROI

Savings Circles Economics

See how quickly your ROSCA business could turn a profit based on our tried and tested formulas

ROSCAs vs Alternate Financing

See what other methods of saving your potential customers are using - online and offline in your region

Competitor Analysis

Find out what your competitors are doing about the opportunity for ROSCAs in your region